inside out

Riley Andersen from Inside Out

Riley Andersen (voiced by Kaitlyn Dias) is a main character in the Disney/Pixar film Inside Out.  Much of the action of the film takes place inside of Riley’s brain as Joy, Anger, Fear, Sadness, and Disgust work together to help her adjust to her life in a new home.  Riley’s costuming often reflects her moods, but her yellow jacket and blue backpack are two of her most well recognized accessories.  Riley is also a fan of ice hockey, and eventually becomes a member of the Fog Horns, a youth team in San Francisco.

Bing Bong

“Who’s your friend that likes to play?” In the Pixar movie Inside Out, Bing Bong (voiced by Richard Kind) is Riley’s imaginary friend who resembles a pink, fuzzy elephant. Riley created him when she was three years old to cope with her childhood. Cheerful yet naive, he cries candy and squeals like a dolphin. Bing Bong makes the ultimate sacrifice after helping Joy blast out of the Memory Dump, causing him to permanently fade from Riley’s memories.


In Inside Out, Sadness’ (voiced by Phyllis Smith) blue appearance reflects how she feels inside, especially when Joy, Anger, Disgust, and Fear ostracize her for turning Riley’s happy memories into sad ones. Eventually they all learn how important Sadness is to Riley’s emotional well-being and accept her for who she is.


In Inside Out, Fear (voiced by Bill Hader) is one of Riley’s emotions whose basic instinct is to avoid anything that might be potentially fatal or dangerous. His straight-laced appearance and outfit reflects his uptight, nervous personality.


In Inside Out, Disgust (voiced by Mindy Kaling) acts to protect Riley from things or people that could potentially hurt her. Even though she may come across as opinionated and snobby, she has the best of intentions and her honesty only helps to protect Riley.


In Inside Out, Joy (voiced by Amy Poehler) is the leader of Riley’s emotions and does her best to keep Riley happy at all times even if that means keeping Sadness separated from all of her memories. Eventually Joy learns that not all of Riley’s problems can be solved by happiness and that sometimes sadness has a role in Riley’s life too.


In Inside Out, Anger (voiced by Lewis Black) is one of Riley’s five main emotions who makes sure that things are fair for Riley. He feels things very passionately and becomes inflamed (literally) when things don’t go as expected.

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